The word "Latsi" appears to be a proper noun, such as a name or place, and would not typically be translated between languages. Therefore, it would remain as "Latsi" in Polish., Cypr

The word "Latsi" appears to be a proper noun, such as a name or place, and would not typically be translated between languages. Therefore, it would remain as "Latsi" in Polish., Cypr

The word "Latsi" appears to be a proper noun, such as a name or place, and would not typically be translated between languages. Therefore, it would remain as "Latsi" in Polish. Cypr

Latchi, zapisywane również jako Lachi, Latsi i Lakki, to mała wioska, która jest częścią gminy Polis na Cyprze. Posiada mały port.
Rekomendowane lotnisko
Pafos Intl (PFO)
Pobliskie miejsca docelowe
  • Moutoullas a 39,79 km
  • Pafos a 30,51 km
  • Polis a 1,93 km