Huaraz and its Lagoons 03 Days / 02 Nights
از 125 €

Huaraz and its Lagoons 03 Days / 02 Nights

بسته تعطیلات
ساخته شد : دوشنبه 16 سپتامبر 2024
شناسه مرجع: 9740703
قیمت هر نفر از
125 €
بر اساس ۲大人s
ساخته شد : دوشنبه 16 سپتامبر 2024
برنامه سفر
تصاویر بیشتر (3)


A.M. Assistance at the bus terminal for transfer to the chosen hotel.

10:30 hrs Start of the city tour and surroundings, you will visit the Regional Museum (*optional), visit the

Temple of the Lord of Solitude, the old José Olaya street, Trout Farm, City Viewpoint and the Monterrey hot springs.

14:00 hrs Return approx.

Accommodation in Huaraz


Breakfast at the hotel.

09:00 hrs Start of the tour towards Callejón de Huaylas, you will appreciate the magical town of Carhuaz where you will taste the natural ice creams made from pure fruit. Then, you will visit the Campo Santo de Yungay and learn about the history of the 1970 earthquake. You will enter the Huascarán National Park; taking a boat ride on the Llanganuco lagoon. You will enjoy lunch (*not included); then go to the town of Taricá known for Huaraz crafts.

19:00 hrs Return to the city of Huaraz.

Accommodation in Huaraz.

DAY 03: HUARAZ – LAGUNA 69 (06 hrs approx. of walking / be physically fit.)


05:00 hrs You will leave the city very early towards the north with 03 hrs of mobility, you will enjoy a breakfast in a restaurant (optional**), arriving at the City of Yungay 55 km from Huaraz. A stop will be made at the Llanganuco lagoon (10 minutes), arriving at the Cebollapampa base camp (3900 m.). From here, you will begin a walk of approximately 3 hours to reach Laguna 69 (4,400 m.) with an impressive panorama. You will be able to appreciate the snow-capped mountains: Huascarán, Chopicalqui, Pisco and Chacraraju. Afterwards, you will return to Cebollapampa to board the bus to the city of Huaraz.

19:00 hrs Return to the city of Huaraz

P.M. At the appropriate time, transfer to the bus station.

قیمت هر نفر از
125 €
بر اساس ۲大人s
آن را شخصی سازی کن
کتاب به طور مستقیم بدون تغییر
این ایده سفر شامل این موارد می‌شود
مقصد 1
محل اقامت 1
تورها 1
خلاصه تور
نقطه ملاقات
To coordinate at destination
  • Transfers Station – Hotel – Station
  • 02 Nights of accommodation in the chosen hotel
  • 02 Breakfasts
  • Excursions mentioned in the program.
  • Guided tour in Spanish.
  • Entrance ticket to tourist sites.
  • Mobility with oxygen tank, first aid kit.
  • Assistance during the stay
  • Tip for the guide.
  • Snacks.
  • Drinks.
اقامت برنامه ریزی شده


[2* Turista]

[3* Turista]

[3* Turista Superior]

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