Nautilus Explorer (Socorro Giant Mantas, Dolphins & 11 Species of Sharks)
از 15.962 €

Nautilus Explorer (Socorro Giant Mantas, Dolphins & 11 Species of Sharks)

بسته تعطیلات
ساخته شد: سه‌شنبه 11 مارس 2025
شناسه مرجع: 15193807
قیمت هر نفر از
15.962 €
بر اساس ۲大人s
ساخته شد: سه‌شنبه 11 مارس 2025
برنامه سفر

Socorro is all about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we LOVE it!! And the mantas clearly love us back. Aside from the usual interaction with mantas, dolphins and 10 kinds of sharks, 1200 humpback whales migrate down from Alaska at this time of year to mate and breed. You may see whales on the surface and you may even hear them singing when diving. Please note that cooler waters and humpback whales go hand-in-hand and you can expect water temps 73 - 74 degrees.
Trip Boards at 08:00 pm on Mar 31,2026 and Disembarks at 08:30 am on Apr 08,2026.
Note: This schedule depends on other boats and weather conditions and are all at the captains decisions.

Socorro is all about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we LOVE it!! And the mantas clearly love us back. Aside from the usual interaction with mantas, dolphins and 10 kinds of sharks, 1200 humpback whales migrate down from Alaska at this time of year to mate and breed. You may see whales on the surface and you may even hear them singing when diving. Please note that cooler waters and humpback whales go hand-in-hand and you can expect water temps 73 - 74 degrees.

قیمت هر نفر از
15.962 €
بر اساس ۲大人s
آن را شخصی سازی کن
کتاب به طور مستقیم بدون تغییر
این ایده سفر شامل این موارد می‌شود
مقصد 1
تورها 1
خلاصه تور
نقطه ملاقات
Cabo San Lucas