The text "Virpazar" is a place name in Montenegro and does not require translation., Montenegro

The text "Virpazar" is a place name in Montenegro and does not require translation., Montenegro

The text "Virpazar" is a place name in Montenegro and does not require translation. Montenegro

The location is in the Crmnica region, spanning the Crmnica river, which leads into the nearby Skadar Lake. As per the 2003 census, it has a population of 337, with Montenegrins making up 61.72% and Serbs 31.45%. Various tourist amenities are available, including the Virpazar hotel, a hotel by the lake. There's a station on the Belgrade–Bar railway, and a road departs from the main Podgorica to Bar highway, following the lake's western shore towards Albania.
Recommended airport
Podgorica (TGD)
Nearby destinations
  • Budva (Saint Stefan) a 20.90 km
  • Ulcinj a 37.37 km
  • Petrovac a 12.95 km