Panajachel, Guatemala

Panajachel, Guatemala

Panajachel Guatemala

Panajachel is a city in the Guatemalan highlands, west of Guatemala City. It is located on the north coast of Lake Atitlan. The lake is surrounded by the volcanoes San Pedro, Tolimán and Atitlan. Calle Santander is the main thoroughside and is lined with cafes, bars and stalls selling handicrafts and fabrics. In the ancient city, you will find the Church of San Francisco, colonial style and with a stone facade. Boats connect Panajachel with the Mayan villages by the lake.
Recommended airport
Santa Cruz des Quiche Airport (AQB)
Nearby destinations
  • Atitlan lake a 8.12 km
  • Chichicastenango a 20.98 km
  • La Antigua a 47.85 km